Salam Allaykum
I have some errors in my khums calculations since 2020. In December 2019 I calculated my khums without adding my pension amount . In October 2019 I had received my pension so I waited until October 2020 to calculate my khums on my pension but my actual khums date is 31 December 2020 so I had done 2 khums payment in 2020(one in October and one in December) where the errors started. I had also received inheritance July 2020 and there was no khums on the amount I received and therefore I got very confused in my khums calculations. Since 2020 until now I have either overpaid my khums amount or underpaid.
I have recalculated and adjusted my khums and rectified the underpayments with overpayments until December 2023. I now realise that I have still overpaid by £4000.
- Can I use the overpaid amount for my khums for December 2024
- Have I done the right thing by compensating my khums underpayments with my overpayments over the last 4 years.
- Jazza\’Allah Khair
- Siddiqua Huq