Protecting mother from magicCategory: QuestionsProtecting mother from magic
baseer asked 3 years ago

Salam Alaikum,
My mother has an elderly uncle who is respected in our extended shia family a lot for his knowledge however, he communicates and traps jinns under his control and puts them to use on certain things. He uses \”white\” magic as they say. He also uses numerology. He has helped my mom a lot islamically of course such as advising her to read certain surahs but my mom has also seeked his help in a way that he will use jinns that he has under his control and trys to use numerology to tell her of future or past events. I have told my mom multiple times that magic is haram but for some reason she does not listen. She prays and fasts but i\’m afraid that this may take her out of Islam and misguide her. If I keep pushing her to stop then i\’m afraid she will get angry with me as her uncle is seen as much more wise and religious by her and many in her family. We are a shia muslim family and I want us to remain a true shia muslim family that follows islam and not satanic magic practices. What can I do to make her stop contacting that man and repent to Allah for seeking such help without getting her angry? Is there a specific dua, dhikr, or salah which I can do to gain Allah\’s help and be successful in this?

1 Answers
mehdi answered 3 years ago

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

We hope this answer reaches you in good health and Islamic spirit.

Based on your specific question and information provided.

Magic in all its shapes and forms is forbidden [even that which is used to undo magic] unless the matter rests upon a greater benefit such as saving the life of a respected person.

Invocation of the Jinn (spirits), If it puts a person, (who one must not harm), in harm’s way, it is Harãm, and therefore forbidden.

We are obligated to be Respectful towards our parents. Our Obligation is to be humble, respectful, and with wisdom seek their permission to convey the authentic information.

اَللّٰهُ أَعْلَم‎
(and Allah(awj) Knows best)

If you have further questions kindly contact us at (718) 297-6520 Ext 113 Monday to Saturday between 11:AM – 3:00 PM.