The full text of Al-Khoei Foundation’s statement is as follows: We are shocked and outraged by the defamatory and reckless remarks made towards His Eminence the Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Al-Sistani, the world’s leading Shia Muslim Religious Authority, on the Israeli programme The Patriots, which was aired on Channel 14 in Israel this week. Whilst this programme describes itself as a satirical show, the segment, which suggested that His Eminence should be targeted for assassination, was a clear and unequivocal propagandist threat against a noted spiritual leader who is held in high esteem by people of all faiths and who has always been a voice of moderation and tolerance, and an outspoken advocate for peace. Channel 14, on the other hand, has previously been criticised for broadcasting statements calling for or supporting war crimes.

The Al-Khoei Foundation takes threats against innocent civilians extremely seriously, noting with horror recent pronouncements by Israeli military officials against Shia Muslim villagers. The Israeli authorities will bear the consequences of such cynical and deliberate attempts to divide Muslim communities. We also take threats against the Grand Ayatollah Al-Sistani’s life very seriously, even if these are veiled threats, especially in the context of the current war.

The Al-Khoei Foundation, one of the world’s leading Islamic civil society, educational and humanitarian organisations, utterly condemns hateful diatribe that has the potential to escalate violence and hatred at a time when we should be working for peace. Such programmes are, in the current context of the devastating military assaults in Gaza and Lebanon, clearly inflammatory and designed to provoke further conflict, threatening peace efforts and hopes of a ceasefire and resolution to the conflict which has cost tens of thousands of innocent lives and displaced entire populations.

We remain committed to the pursuit of peace and justice, and the self-determination of the Palestinian people, following the example set by the Grand Ayatollah Al-Sistani and the institution of the Grand Marja’iyya (Shia Islamic authorities).

In condemning this deplorable targeting of a respected spiritual leader and promoter of peace, we call on the international community, the United Nations, religious and political leaders, and people of good conscience everywhere to denounce such reckless provocation and take appropriate measures to hold accountable those who seek to incite violence and further destabilise the region. We do so in the hope of bringing lasting peace to the region, the safeguarding of people’s fundamental right to security, and the protection of all our universal values and principles.

Friday 11th October 2024